12 October 2013

Korean green (and gold)

My morning ritual
I've tasted plenty of tea but I can't remember ever trying Korean green before. So I was pretty excited to get up this morning and give it a go. Upon opening my sample from Tea Horse, the leaves have a very strong scent - not the usual fresh, grassy smell I'm used inhaling when opening my Japanese greens. But after two minutes at 80C, those leaves have created a beautiful, golden brew that has an amazingly velvety taste. I actually think I prefer this blend to many of the Japanese Senchas I've tried, which can sometimes be a bit too grassy and strong for my first cup of the day. This one is easy to drink (even on an empty stomach) and hits the spot.

29 September 2013

So true!

Tea with a 'rock star'

I was recently invited by Lipton to attend a special tea tasting event with their Tea Master Kuranush Bharucha - a total rock star by tea sommelier standards! I mean we're talking a about a guy who's not only found a way to make a living tasting tea - up to 1,000 cups a day! - but who's been doing it for the last twenty-eight years of his life at Lipton.

The event, part of the Masterchef Dining & Bar pop-up over at Circular Quay, featured Bharucha's tea wisdom and Lipton's new Pyramid tea bag range paired with some memorable Masterchef desserts like Vegemite caramel chocolate cups (surprisingly yummy!). Hey, anyone that's brave enough to pair Vegemite-inspired sweets with tea is a winner in my book. I've even been caught out recently using a Lipton Pyramid tea bag on hectic mornings before work...enough said!

A taste of spring

As the weather begins to warm up here in Sydney, I think I've found the perfect oolong to get me in the mood for sunshine, picnics and plenty of blue sky. The scent of fresh cut flowers fills the air as soon as I open up my bag of Jade Oolong from Tea Horse. The label promises me tasting notes of honey, jasmine and lily of the valley - basically 'spring in a cup'. And it doesn't disappoint. This is a light, refreshing blend with prominent floral notes. But take the temp up higher in your second or third steeping to 95C and you'll bring out those richer honey flavours. Highly recommended for sunny mornings! For steeping directions, please visit www.teahorse.co.uk